People seem to have forgotten the goal. The goal was to flatten the curve and take the burden off the healthcare system. Instead, we have states, communities, officials, and leaders freaking out over what should never be a news story, to begin with. This is paranoia.
Vermont has a vaccination rate of 72%. But they are seeing their highest surge in cases since the pandemic started. It sounds scary, doesn’t it? But it really isn’t anything to be concerned about. But you know the fear-mongering way!
They currently have a state positivity rate of less than 4%. The WHO states that any society under a 5% positivity rate should be 100% open with restrictions. So why are they freaking out over less than 4%? Because that’s what we’ve taught people to do. No one ever said there would be zero cases. But I do think that the message surrounding the vaccine gives that impression. They are freaking out over 13 cases in ICU in the whole state of Vermont! I can guarantee you that more people than that have experienced myocarditis from the poke in their state. Where’s the outrage for those residents? The media and the healthcare industry have created this paranoia.
What a perfect storm! Create a monster and then create protection from the monster. But looking at our deaths so far this year (416,732), and they have created nothing except a dependency on a man-made injection that only gives you a false sense of security, not protection from the monster.